These female nudes are of friends, acquaintances and volunteers from the internet. I often trawl charity shops and stores that sell cheap kitsch because I sometimes come across objects and trinkets that may lead to ideas for photos. I came across some small mirrors in a £1 shop. They were selling them for £1 for two. I bought six not knowing what I would do with them. After a false start I eventually came up with the idea of shooting nudes with them. I have used mirrors before in my work but never in multiples. After initially trying to get as many into an image as possible, I then started thinking up different permutations, finally working my way back down to one mirror (I was asked for the use of the later for a controversial feminist book in Argentina). As the mirrors were so small, you can only reflect a small portion of the body with one, which led be to try to reconstitute a woman with several. I then started reflecting mirrors within mirrors. Reflect Upon This has proven to be one of my most popular series so far.


Zex Mirror was used as the cover of a controversial feminist book in Argentina.